Case Reference
Tělovýchovná jednota Ruzyně, z.s.

Sports buildings, Swimming pools and wellness centres | Prague, the Capital City

Installed micro power plant:
2xTedom MicroT33 - kWe66

Total annual saving:
238 000 CZK

Heating system: In-house gas boiler room. Electricity: Building connected to the low voltage network.


The Ruzyně physical education unit offers the rental of a multifunctional sports hall and sports grounds. Come and play tennis, basketball, football, volleyball or floorball. TJ Ruzyně also includes a tourist section, a climbing wall, a gym, a hostel and a restaurant and more …

Production data

Consumption OnSite produces KGJ Coverage of consumption
Electricity 122 MWh 92 MWh 76%
Heating 347 MWh 340 MWh 98%